The new TV show simply revolves around the mother and her two daughters. The family drama simply revolves around the lady with the two daughters in it. The TV show has Samridh Bawa, Ankita Sharma and Sangeeta Chauhan in the star cast while the ladies in the TV show have the new comer ladies in it. The TV show is produced by Sooraj Barjatya and Devansh Barjatya under the above said production group. The TV show is produced under the banner of Raj Shri Production, which is among the top production group in Motion Pictures. Synopsis: The Colors Channel has an interesting TV show called Ek Shringar Swabhiman, which would be aired at Colors TV which is to hit the TV screens that are to be aired at the prime channel, and it will be aired for five days. Story of Ek Shringaar – Swabhimaan on Colors TV Channel – Colors at Prime Time daily five days
Star cast – Ankita Sharma, sangeeta chauhan, Prachi Shah, Samridh Bawa, Sahil Uppal